minimize waste,
maximize flavor
Make the most out of your Nespresso Machine by choosing to use Sealpod, your lifetime companion for a good cup of coffee!
Shop NowWhy Use Sealpod Reusable Capsules?

Fill Your Own Coffee
Fill your own favorite coffee and taste what freedom taste like by creating more possibilities

Reduce Waste
Reduce your environmental footprint and keep your health in check by consuming less flavor enhancer from pre-packed pods.

Save Money
If you drink 2 pods a day, you could save more than 500 dollars a year by switching to use reusable capsules.
Would You Like To Change This Mess?
Choosing to use Sealpod Reusable Capsule, YOU CAN make a positive impact to our environment and give future generations a better place to live. Plus, you are FREE to use any coffee you like and save hundreds of dollars along the way,
It's Never Too Late When You Start Today
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Nespresso Original Line
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Made With You In Mind

Patented Design
Made In Taiwan
The Only Reusable Capsule With A Fresh Cover
That Allows You To:
Pre-fill when you are free.
Store for later use.
Keep it fresh for 7 days.
Choose To Use Sealpod and Experience Flavor Without Boundaries!
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